Site Features
- Amenity Grass
- Rough Grass
- Agricultural Hedges
- Mature Woodland
- Young Woodland
- Equipped Play Area
- Metal Painted Fencing
- Amenity Trees
- Mature Amenity Trees
- Lighting Columns
- Brick Walls
- Hard Surface Pathways
- Cirl Bunting Wildlife
- Habitat
All about The Buntings
Located in coastal Devon, The Buntings takes its name from the
rare passerine songbirds that make their home here. Although very
seldom seen elsewhere in the UK, the presence of cirl buntings
here in their Greenbelt-protected oasis is a source of pride and
joy for local residents
Related to the yellowhammer, the buntings were threatened with
extinction during the 1980s, reaching a critical stage of around
just 100 breeding pairs in the UK. While they’ve enjoyed a
resurgence since, they are still listed as red conservation status
with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). This is
the highest priority category and said to require "urgent action".
Thankfully, with both rough and amenity grass, agricultural
hedges, as well as young and mature woodland types, Greenbelt
provide the ideal environment for Buntings to survive and thrive.
In fact, a significant part of the areas we manage is set aside as
rough grassed wildlife habitat.
The grassland areas are subject to a grazing regime, as
recommended by the ecologist, creatively maintaining the diverse
sward, while keeping mechanical costs and emissions to a minimum.
Our strong focus on biodiversity at The Buntings helps not only
the birdlife but a huge variety of different flora and fauna.